Schedule Change and Editor’s Note
Dear Readers,
2020 has been an awful year for everyone. We’ve suffered many climate setbacks, and many wins came with unnecessary pain and suffering. 1.7 million people have died around the world from Covid-19, and many millions more are suffering from the fallout created by the pandemic.
The pandemic has also made it harder to be environmentally friendly on a personal level, due to the refusal of reusable cups and bags in many areas, and a surge in pandemic related litter.
We have not posted here on Rinexii this month in part due to the relief president elect Joe Biden has brought us, but also because the pandemic has caused pain in this household too.
We’ve been forced to focus on finances rather than the environment for the past month, and that has meant very little time for pet projects like Rinexii.
Thankfully, 2021 is looking a bit brighter. Regardless of political lines, I believe we can all agree that we are looking forward to the new year, and hopefully some positive changes.
On that note, we will be setting a specific schedule for Rinexii, so that we aren’t flooding it with posts one month, and then abandoning it the next. Rinexii will be updated every Friday starting New Years Day. Extra content may be added beyond this, but if you’re looking for new content this is when you should check back.
Thank you for sticking with us,
Andrea – Editor of Rinexii